Q1. What is the java Bean? What are their advantages? What are various introspection Mechanism to inter information of a Bean? Explain with a suitable example.
Q2. Explain the following with the help of suitable example:
- Dynamic BillBoard Applet
- Lavatron Applet
- Java Swing
- Scrabblets
Q3. What is difference between AWT and Swing?
Q4. Explain any two methods available in servlet package.
Q5. What is a java Servlet? Explain briefly the life cycle of a servlet.What are the basic steps for creating a Servlet ?
Q6. Write a java Program to create a thread that displays odd numbers starting from 1 to 100.
Q7. Write a java program to sort an array of string entered through the keyboard.
Q8. What is java Bean? What are the various steps which are needed to create a new Bean?
Q9. What do you understand by inter Thread Communication? Explain it.
Q10. Write a program to print factorial numbers.
Q11. Describe JDBC Architecture.
Q12. Discuss the various feature of the lavatron applet and srabblet.
Q13. Discuss any six methods available in Dynamic BillBoard applet.
Q14. Explain the procedure of JDBC connectivity in java with windows database. A data of 100 students having following fields in the records is to be imported in java.
Record Structure:
Record Structure:
Name : Character Array of 100
Address: Character Array of 200
Roll Number : integer
Amount Due: Float
Marks: Integer
Grade: Single character having values a, b, c, d, or e.
Write a java program to import these records from windows and send to output text file.
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